
Achilles Terms and Conditions

Please read the terms and conditions set out below and press the back button to return when you are done.

The terms and conditions set out below apply to your organisation’s use of the Serco Supplier Questionnaire (the “Questionnaire”). By ticking the “Terms and Conditions” tick-box on the Declaration page you are acknowledging that you have read and accept the following terms and conditions:

You agree:

  • To maintain the confidentiality of the invitation code used to gain access to the Questionnaire, and to limit its distribution only to individuals in your organisation who require access to Questionnaire. You agree to notify Achilles immediately if you know of or suspect any misuse of, or breach of confidentiality relating to the invitation code.
  • To answer the questions in the Questionnaire as accurately and completely as possible so that the completed Questionnaire reflects the general status of, and the specific goods and or services offered by your organisation at the time of completion of the Questionnaire. You are solely responsible for reviewing the accuracy of the data information entered on the Questionnaire.
  • To comply with Achilles’ reasonable requirements and directions regarding the use of the Questionnaire, and to use the Questionnaire in accordance with applicable law, including data privacy laws and communication regulations;
  • Not to use the Questionnaire to knowingly load, post or distribute any information that infringes the Intellectual Property rights of any other person or entity, or which is harmful, inaccurate, misleading, fraudulent, defamatory, obscene, offensive or otherwise illegal.
  • Not to interfere with the proper functionality of the web site hosting the Questionnaire; and to ensure that no virus or other harmful element is uploaded onto the Questionnaire.

After making relevant data checks on the information you have provided, Achilles will provide the information contained in your completed Questionnaire to the Serco group of companies. Achilles may request you to update or confirm the information you have entered into the Questionnaire if it believes there may be errors or inconsistencies. Achilles may also use the information you provide to analyse and to improve the services it offers to your organisation or to Serco.

The Questionnaire and the website hosting it is provided “AS IS”, and Achilles (including its officers, employees and agents) will have no liability whatsoever for any losses, damages, awards, claims, costs and expenses arising from your use of the Questionnaire. Neither you nor Achilles will under any circumstances be liable for indirect, incidental or consequential loss or damage or loss of profits, loss of revenue or loss of anticipated savings. The website hosting the Questionnaire may provide links to other Internet sites, and Achilles is not responsible for the availability or content of such other sites.

The copyright and all intellectual property rights whatsoever in the Questionnaire and all associated computer programs, databases, websites, user manuals, and other documentation in connection with the Questionnaire will remain vested in and be the property of Achilles, and you agree not to copy, decompile, reverse assemble or otherwise replicate the Questionnaire.

Achilles may transfer your information into or out of the European Union for the purposes of operational handling or backup purposes, including to other Achilles subsidiary or affiliated companies.

These terms and conditions are governed by English law and the parties will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts.